Under the Lights

Colorful tree lights Colorful tree lights

Moments illuminated and etched in time.

Under the right lights, the mood and tone are set, illuminating the moments that make the occasion more enchanting and magical.

While beneath the lights lies a marvel of technology that assures every one of those moments safely glows and stays illuminated.

Christmas lights Christmas lights
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Quality products that 
stay lit and don’t trip power.

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Colorful tree lights Colorful tree lights
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Unique, elegant 
color palettes

Designers LOVE S4's unique ability to color match across all product lines. Because we design and develop our strings and lights, we keep consistency across our LED packages which means your designs look flawless and seamless.

Christmas lights Christmas lights
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Performance & Safety

When it comes to safety, S4's extensive product line offers an abundance of peace of mind. Not only will your lighting design delight and wow guests, but event venues, facility managers and lighting designers can rest easy knowing our products are engineered for top performance and safety.

Colorful tree lights

50L 5mm LED Light String, 4in Bulb Spacing

120VDC • Green Wire • Benchmark Coupling

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Colorful tree lights
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Lorem Upsums

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How to assure your lights never trip the power at your event...

In the world of decorative lighting, design, technology, and material conspire to create breathtaking lighting displays. Of these collaborative components, the lens cap and its symbiotic partner, lens coating, emerge as the unsung heroes wielding remarkable influence over the quality and aesthetic appeal of any lighting installation. In this article, we’ll break down the multifaceted science (and art!) behind bulb technology, shedding light on the pivotal roles of lens cap materials, UV coatings, LED chip grade and additional engineering factors that converge to elevate the splendor of any lighting display.